Saturday, May 13, 2017

Vemma Agreed to Ban on Pyramid Scheme Practices to Settle FTC Charges in 2015

Arizona based Vemma Nutrition Company agreed to end its business practices which practices the FTC considered to constitute an illegal pyramid scheme.

The multi-level marketing (MLM) company, which sells health and wellness drinks through a network of distributors called “affiliates,” will be prohibited under a federal court order from paying an affiliate unless a majority of that affiliate’s revenue comes from sales to real customers rather than other distributors. The order also bars Vemma from making deceptive income claims and unsubstantiated health claims.

Vemma Agreed to Ban on Pyramid Scheme Practices to Settle FTC Charges in 2015

Arizona based Vemma Nutrition Company agreed to end its business practices which practices the FTC considered to constitute an illegal pyram...